$55.00 USD or more

wtf is mindfulness... and why you might care

Learn how to choose where to place your attention... it's not only a nice to have, it's a mother @$%&!#$ necessity to survive

Here's the context:

Whether consciously or unconsciously, we're all engaged in an economic drama of Shakespearean proportions with an unrelenting demand on a finite supply of our most precious resource - our attention. 

Welcome to the attention economy good people.

I want your attention.

I want it!

Your neighbor wants it, your children want it, your boss wants it, your customers want it, your phone wants it, your computer wants it, that billboard on the highway wants it, your pet wants it, you want it... and the list goes on and on and on every day for the rest of your life.

And as we navigate the information age where there are infinite computations of how you can spend your time on any given day, discovering how to choose where to place your attention is not only a nice to have, it's a mother @$%&!#$ necessity to survive.

Cue mindfulness and that's why the !@#$ you might care.

See you in class.

what you'll get:

  • 4 X 60 minute recorded group class instructions, 4 mindfulness meditation techniques and lifetime access to the lectures and guided meditations.

  • Mindfulness instruction as taught by Jack Kornfield & Tara Brach
    (+$10,000 value)
  • 4 hours of of instruction from Jaleel
    ($1,400 value)
  • Lifetime access to 60 minutes of guided meditations
    ($350 value)
  • Over 16 years of mindfulness practice
    (Priceless 😉)

what are the benefits of mindfulness?

great question! here's a short list:

  1. improve your focus

  2. regulate your emotions

  3. change your relationship to stress

  4. increase your cognitive performance

  5. reduce your reactivity and improve responsiveness

  6. shall i go on?

why don't more people practice mindfulness?

another great question! from where i'm standing, there are 2 main reasons:

  1. most people don't know how to practice mindfulness

  2. folks have been promised something that mindfulness is not

so what the f&@% is mindfulness then?

i like to think of it as a data processing system for the brain.

one that helps to make sense of the world inside and outside of the body and mind.

and in 4 weeks, i'll teach you the 4 foundations of mindfulness that'll set you up for a lifetime of exploration, regulation and discovery. you in?

if you're still reading, is it fair to say you're intrigued?

here's an overview of what you can expect:

the format:

  • 4 Modules, 4 Sections Per Module

    • lecture: 15 - 20 minutes

    • practice: 15 - 20 minutes

    • closing thoughts: 5 - 10 minutes

    • journal prompts: up to you

the weekly topics:

  • week 1: mindfulness of the breath and body

  • week 2: mindfulness of feelings and emotions

  • week 3: mindfulness of the mind and thoughts

  • week 4: mindfulness of mindfulness (how meta is that?)

how much does it cost?

  • this course is donation-based.

  • if you cannot afford the minimum recommended donation, email us at [email protected] and we'll get you a discount code.

What People Are Saying:

[Jaleel is] very good personable and comes across very passionate about the subject.

Jason G.

Jaleel is very knowledgable on the subject. He's confident, clear in his teachings and his voice is like an anti-anxiety pill.

Bailey M.