Where You Go to Breathe Between Getting Shit Done


BRT Club

is the place where you go to release the stress and the emotional blockages that keep you from showing up as your best self.

We're a global community of doers who are learning to be between moments of doing. Together, we explore experiences that cannot be described with words, yet from time to time, we try. Consider this a formal invitation to...

Join BRT Club

You'll learn breathing techniques, embodiment practices, mindfulness tools and a whole lot más!

You will learn tools for emotional release, nervous system regulation, sustainable peak performance, not to mention you'll be joining a community of like-minded people committed to your highest good. Somebody pinch me, this shit's getting good.

Join BRT Club

Membership Options

Yearly Plan Paid in Full ($396)

$33 per month (25% discount)

What do you get in BRT Club?

  • 1 Pre-recorded Monthly Masterclass focused on self-discovery, creativity and cultivating peak experiences (valued at $500 +)
  • 1 BRT Community Breathwork session per month (valued at $35 / class)
  • 2 - 3 BRT Moony Cycle  Breathwork Ceremonies per month (valued at $35 / class)
  • 2 BRT Breathbreak classes per week (valued at $25 / class)
  • A growing library of previous breathwork classes (priceless)
  • A community of likeminded folks (priceless)
  • Join live recordings of the Between 2 Breaths podcast and get early access to episodes
  • BONUS: The Awareness Series self-guided course (valued at $396)
  • BONUS: 11% discount off all BRT Studio products and services
  • Valued at more than $1201 in the first month

Try for 30 days at no cost, and if you're not digging what we're putting down, cancel and spend a whole lotta nothing besides the most valuable thing in your whole life. Your time. Ya dig.

Get Unlimited Access

Monthly Plan

$44 per month

What do you get in BRT Club?

  • 1 Pre-recorded Monthly Masterclass focused on self-discovery, creativity and cultivating peak experiences (valued at $500 +)
  • 1 BRT Community Breathwork session per month (valued at $35 / class)
  • 2 - 3 BRT Moony Cycle  Breathwork Ceremonies per month (valued at $35 / class)
  • 2 BRT Breathbreak classes per week (valued at $25 / class)
  • A growing library of previous breathwork classes (priceless)
  • A community of likeminded folks (priceless)
  • Join live recordings of the Between 2 Breaths podcast and get early access to episodes
  • BONUS: The Awareness Series self-guided course (valued at $396)
  • BONUS: 11% discount off all BRT Studio products and services
  • Valued at more than $805 in the first month

Try for 14 days at no cost, and if you're not digging what we're putting down, cancel and spend a whole lotta nothing besides the most valuable thing in your whole life. Your time. Ya dig.

Get Monthly Access