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Read When Lost

May 10, 2024

"I don't know where I'm going, but I know exactly how to get there."

- Renias Mhlongo, The Lion Trackers Guide to Life


Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, moments of clarity, and periods of uncertainty.

Sometimes those moments of uncertainty stretch for years; other times, they are just that - a moment.

And as challenging as those uncertain times may be, you'd be hard pressed to find a more powerful catalyst when it comes to self-discovery and hopefully personal growth. But like with all great catalysts, that shit will stretch you like you've never been stretched before.

That's why, if we're being completely honest, uncertainty is something many of us would rather not deal with.

Duh, J...

I know, but here's my point: we currently operate within an economy built nearly entirely around eliminating uncertainty.

(Stick with me, I promise this won't get political nor will it stay in the world of economics.)

We're seemingly always hedging against it, saving money for it, stocking up on food in case of an emergency, assessing for and buying expensive insurance policies to protect our valuable assets from it (no I'm not talking about the Mayhem guy #allstate).

Underneath these consumer behaviors lies a fear of uncertainty, a fear so strong that many of us have come to believe that to live with uncertainty is to be uncivilized.

And maybe it is.

But maybe rewilding the self, even just a little, is necessary in a world where convenience creates disconnection from what makes us truly human - our ability to adapt.


You were born wild


Today, I want to explore that notion, with the help of my new friend and guide, Renais Mhlongo.

No I don't know him personally - one day I hope to - but today, if I'm successful at capturing and conveying a part of his essence, he's going to teach us a thing or two about how to thrive through uncertainty. Let's start tracking.

As we being, consider these questions for a moment:

How do you respond during times of uncertainty? Do you seek answers from others? From within? From a higher power? Do you look for clues to understand where to go next or do you wait for a sign? Do you find yourself overwhelmed and despondent? How does the object of the uncertainty influence your response?

In my oh-so-humble opinion, there's no right or wrong answer to these questions - experience informs strategy, and if you've discovered a proven method for getting you back on track, keep doing that. In my experience, the process requires a combination of all of the above plus some intentional practices that we'll get to shortly, but until then, let's unpack the quote by Renais, "I don't know where I'm going, but I know exactly how to get there."

I resonate deeply with the sentiment of the lifelong lion tracker. Born in a mud hut in eastern South Africa, Ren's wisdom is routed in an indigenous way of life that sees little separation between human being and the spirit of the wild.

Ren shares this message with Boyd Varty, author of The Lion Trackers Guide to Life and co-owner of Londolozi Game Reserve in South Africa, after the trail goes cold for a pride of lions they're tracking through the African bush.

In the middle of the wild with no clear sign of where to go next, they're equipped with a truck, walking sticks and the shared knowledge of Ren, Boyd and Alex van den Heever, a mentor to Boyd and a mentee to Ren with 20 years experience tracking animals all over the world.

Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads in your life, not sure where to go next with no clear sign of where to go next?

I have.

If I'm being honest, I'm navigating this today as I continue to grow my speaking career and am being forced to assess what to leave behind and what to bring along on the trail as I balance the responsibilities of my life. It's a challenge, and I'm not 100% sure what it'll look like once resolved, but I know exactly how to solve it.


Uncertainty is a fact of life


That's why I resonate with Ren's message - it captures the essence of our human spirit. When shit gets hard, we have the ability to reach deep for courage, discover our capacity for resilience, and use the power of our intuition to move forward with clarity and conviction.

At this point, you might be wondering "What does it look like to have no idea where you're going but to know exactly how to get there?"

Well, if you've been hanging around the Stu long enough, you can likely predict what I'm going to say, so I'll give it to you straight:

It looks like an act of finding presence, exploring mindfully and remaining playful.

Okay but how, J?

Let me tell you.


Turn uncertainty into an asset


By using the breath to get grounded and remain ground, we find presence.

By using our senses, we move away from attempting to think ourselves into a solution and into what we see, what we hear, what we smell, what we feel and what we taste to engage with that which is present. This is mindfulness.

And from this place of mindful awareness, we can explore and play to discover what may be the next right track.

Track by track by track. One track at a time, one breath at a time, one next right thing at a time.

That is the dance of discovery when times are uncertain.

Back in the bush with our trio, Ren drops into presence. He beings to listen for the subtle sounds of "where to go from here" while sniffing for the faint scent of direction. In this case, it's the sound of flies zipping by in rapid succession and the scent of a recent meal that gives him insight into the next track.

And here's the magic of find presence and allowing intuition to inform decision.

From his years of playful embodiment and observation of lions (Animal Work anyone?) in an attempt to understand their behaviors, this subtle clue of flies and a scent carried with it a key to unlock a chest filled with life experiences buried deep within his subconscious mind.

All at once, this information came hurtling through space and time to inspire the next right thing, to unlock an intuitive knowing of where to go next.

This is the power of presence, mindful awareness and play. You unlock a capacity to notice the magic in the mundane, to witness the masterpiece hidden in the monotony, and with the help of every bit of knowledge you've ever stored in the hard drive of your life experiences, the next right decision can be discovered, even if the clue is as seemingly insignificant as a buzzing fly.


Read if you're feeling adrift


  • Breathe: Your breath is a constant reminder of the present moment. Take deep breaths and trust that you have everything you need within you.

  • Reflect: Embrace introspection through meditation and mindfulness. Listen to your inner voice—it knows the way.

  • Embrace Flow: Understand that life is a flow, not a rigid path. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learn to dance with the rhythm of life.

  • Seek Guidance: Surround yourself with mentors, coaches, and like-minded individuals who support your journey and inspire you to reach new heights.

And now you may be wondering if our lion tracking crew were able to find their pride of lions.

I could tell you, or I could allow for you to find the clues hidden deep within your subconscious to unlock an intuitive knowing of where to go next to find that answer.

Consider this an invitation to play with uncertainty.

It's good for the soul.

All love,

J x BRT Stu



Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 few ways we can help you to release your story on your journey of personal transformation:

  1. Between 2 Breaths Episode 017 dropped on 5/8/24. You can stream across all podcast platforms.
  2. wtf is mindfulness…and why you might care: A course on the 4 foundations of mindfulness with a modern take on how to keep your wits about you in this attention economy. 
  3. Join the waitlist for Allay Academy: a community of like-minded folks committed to self-discovery and growth.


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